Zebrane środki przeznaczymy na: Artistic project I Inherit What You Lost
"I Inherit What You Lost" is a creative project that explores how arts, culture, and the humanities can serve as vital resources for critical reflection on colonization, persecution, and propaganda in Eastern Europe, the Eastern Partnership countries, and Central Asia. The project not only reflects diverse historical narratives but also works towards building solidarity and shared understanding among artists, activists, and communities.
The project goal is to empower artists and activists from the aforementioned countries, to connect them, making them stronger together, and to build transnational networks and collaborations that support artistic freedom and human rights.
We find this project very important, timely, and brave and we would greatly appreciate your support. Follow us on Instagram if you want to learn more about the I Inherit What Zou lost. @floating_eka
Rodzaj organizacji: Fundacja / Stowarzyszenie rejestrowe (ma KRS)
Poznan 61-706, ul. Karola Libelta 1A lok. 2,
Fundacja Floating EKA
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